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Bayzat platform offers effective and ready-made solutions for HR managers

The Bayzat platform enables you to automate human resources management and payroll processing, from welcoming employees to calculating the end of service.

“With more vendors and product choices than ever before, how do you successfully navigate the HR solutions landscape?”

We live in a time where it is getting harder and harder to keep up with the unparalleled pace of technological change. More than ever, companies and vendors are popping up in the technology solutions sphere – promising to make our lives easier and our day-to-day tasks more efficient. Amid all these technological innovations, it is crucial for specialists to seize the opportunity and reap the benefits of a suitable HR system solution. People remain one of the largest costs to any business, and any new development which allows us to manage that talent pool more effectively is going to be well worth exploring. From managing medical insurance plans to handling payroll, many HR tasks can be automated today. However, it isn’t hard to become overwhelmed at the sheer number of vendors in the market today. How do you know which HR software is best for you?

Does it Address Your Pain Points?

The first thing every business-owner or HR specialist should do before building a consideration set for HR software is to write down and prioritize the main pain points that they want addressed. With so many different options available in the market, this is a sure-fire way to go about your first wave of filtering. It is equally important to get your employees’ input in this step. Often employees face issues and inefficient processes that end up being overlooked because of the lack of open and seamless communication within a company.

Is it consumer friendly?

When employees have been doing things a certain way for many years it becomes difficult to suddenly introduce major change. Implementing a new HR system is certainly no exception – especially if the majority of your employees are going to have to interact with it. Robust and comprehensive systems will require active company-wide participation to be effective, potentially causing widespread confusion and inefficiencies if misused.

People have gotten used to ultra-sleek mobile apps and platforms – the rule of thumb is: if the solution is as intuitive and user-friendly as some of those solutions, then people will use it. If employees feel like they will benefit from the implementation, in ways such as helping them use and understand their health insurance policies, then they will use it. If it is unnecessarily complex, then your employees are more likely to resist, causing the implementation to eventually fail.

Will it be relevant down the line?

The only constant thing about technology is that it changes. Solutions that are valid now may not be valid six months or even six years in the future. Because the only thing harder than implementing a new HR software is having to scrap it and implement yet another newer one, it is in your best interest to find a solution that can develop with your business needs. Do some research about the technology and ask yourself if it has the capacity and flexibility to grow, innovate, and evolve with a landscape that is consistently in flux. The mandatory health insurance law in the UAE is a great example – Bayzat Benefits kept up with regulatory trends and offered value by means of introducing UAE health insurance benefits.

Is the vendor really invested?

A good vendor should have the capacity to listen and understand your company’s needs and adapt their pitch from there. Far too often vendors will pitch their services without familiarizing themselves or building rapport with the client. Admittedly, every business is different and faces its own unique challenges. Ask yourself if you have trouble implementing or using the software, will the vendor provide after-sales support? We at Bayzat for instance provide our clients with a designated account manager to oversee the implementation of our services and provide guidance with our complimentary health insurance platform. Furthermore, our team of insurance experts ask you the right questions, guiding you through the complex process of interacting with the best health insurance companies in the UAE.

There is no doubt that technology has the potential to give HR some very powerful tools to help it drive your business forward. That said, the sheer range of potential ‘solutions’ in the marketplace requires some careful thinking – and asking the right questions.

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